MATLAB: What is the x axis and y axis if i plot(y) that y = audioread(​’filename.​wav’)


I have to make equilizer as my project
So i read wav file by audioread
And i have to adjust x axis as frequency and y asix as sound pressure(db is right but it is hard to make to me)
for equilizer project.
But i don't know about axises.
I heared that y axis of plot(y) is sound pressure is it right?
And what is x axis?
help me
Thank you

Best Answer

The output of audioread for floating-point data is normalised to be between -1 and +1. Unless you have additional information about the mapping of the original data to the -1<=y<=+1 you will not be able to recover the original units.
You have to create your own x-axis (actually, time). Do that using Fs (the sampling frequency) as:
t = linspace(0, 1, size(y,1))'/Fs;
Remember that ‘y’ is a (Nx2) matrix (two channels, left channel is ‘y(:,1)’, right channel is ‘y(:,2)’).