MATLAB: What is the validity of matlab associate certification


what is the validity of matlab associate certification

Best Answer

The MATLAB Associate Certification is valid from the time you receive the certificate.
However, MathWorks may require that a candidate pass a new or revised exam as a requirement for maintaining MathWorks certifications.
MathWorks may, in its sole discretion, discontinue or modify the Designation, Logo, and/or Certification Program, or terminate the license to use the Designation or Logo, at any time upon written notice to a candidate and (i) upon discontinuance of the Designation, Logo, and/or Certification Program, or termination of the license, the candidate shall cease using the Designation and Logo in any manner, and (ii) upon any modification of the Designation, Logo, and/or Certification Program, the candidate shall abide by such modifications as soon as reasonably possible.
Please refer to the 'Maintaining Certifications' and 'Use of Designation and Logo' sections in MathWorks Certification Program Policies page for more information.
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