MATLAB: What is the maximum rate of data logging supported by Simulink Data Inspector(SDI) for a SpeedGoat target

When logging data at approximately 8MB/second, I get the following error after 6 and a half minutes.
Error: Logging stopped due to write error : File cache buffer full
What is the maximum rate of data logging supported by SDI for a SpeedGoat target?

Best Answer

We do not have specific information about the limit, but you might be able to get some information from Speedgoat. For contact information, please refer to the following URL:
Regardless, knowing the limit is not going to do much in this situation, if you are already encountering buffer overflows. The only solution is to log less data, which can be done in one of two ways:
  • Log less signals
  • Log data at a slower rate
SDI logs signals at the rate they execute in the Simulink model. Therefore, if a large amount of data is being logged, it would help to ensure the signals being selected are executing at the slowest rate possible.