MATLAB: Data Inspector Run Names


Hi all.. I have a code running a model for a certain repeat. Simulation outputs several mat files according to the change of variables. I want the simulation name the data inspector RUNs AUTOMATICALLY according to the change of the variables. For example; first simulation for x=1 y=1, second x=1 y=2 third x=1 y=3.. on and on
I want the data inspector runs to be named as x=1 y=1, x=1 yy=2, x=1 y=3… Is there a way for that ? Thnx..

Best Answer

You can programatically save the contents of the Simulink Data Inspector using the save API provided by Simulink. You can pass the file name as string with '.mldatx' extension to save the data in the Simulink Data Inspector.
% let x=1 , y=2
x = 1;
y = 2;
% create the file name as required
filename = strcat('x=',num2str(x),' y=',num2str(y),'.mldatx');
% save data in sdi
Hope this helps