MATLAB: What is good way to import and scrub several Change of Variable (Mismatched Time-series) data sets, so they can be compared.

importing excel datatime seriestimetable

I am trying to import several sets of time series data. The issue is that the data is collected when a variable passes a threshold, There is no set sample time. I have attached the output cvs file that I am trying to import. I have also taken a snip as an example.
I am trying to figure out a good way to import the data so it is easy to analyze, i.e. create a new set (Normalized_Temp=(Temp_2-Temp_1)/Amb_Temp), find hourly averages of each set, ect. My current problem is that no two data points have the same timestamp, I arranged the data in excel to show this below.
How do I resolve this in Matlab, what structure should this be imported as and how can they be scrubbed to analyze against each other.

Best Answer

Corbyn, if you have access to the latest release, R2016b, you can use timetables:
>> t1 = table2timetable(readtable('Datasets.xlsx','Range','A1:B5'))
t1 =
TimeStamp Temp1___F_
____________________ __________
05-Oct-2016 12:20:56 74.831
05-Oct-2016 13:17:15 74.997
05-Oct-2016 14:07:33 75.159
05-Oct-2016 14:51:19 75.319
>> t2 = table2timetable(readtable('Datasets.xlsx','Range','D1:E4'))
t2 =
TimeStamp Temp2___F_
____________________ __________
05-Oct-2016 13:07:14 74.662
05-Oct-2016 13:52:59 74.831
05-Oct-2016 14:39:46 74.997
>> t3 = table2timetable(readtable('Datasets.xlsx','Range','G1:H13'))
t3 =
TimeStamp AmbTemp___F_
____________________ ____________
05-Oct-2016 12:32:33 55.586
05-Oct-2016 12:52:21 55.439
05-Oct-2016 13:07:15 55.586
05-Oct-2016 13:17:17 56.027
05-Oct-2016 13:28:53 56.174
05-Oct-2016 13:34:33 56.318
05-Oct-2016 13:53:00 56.466
05-Oct-2016 14:07:35 56.611
05-Oct-2016 14:25:11 56.905
05-Oct-2016 14:33:17 56.759
05-Oct-2016 14:39:47 56.905
05-Oct-2016 14:51:21 57.345
>> t4 = table2timetable(readtable('Datasets.xlsx','Range','J1:K3'));
>> t4.Mode = categorical(t4.Mode)
t4 =
TimeStamp Mode
____________________ _____
05-Oct-2016 13:39:47 Test
05-Oct-2016 13:43:34 Start
>> t5 = table2timetable(readtable('Datasets.xlsx','Range','M1:N5'))
t5 =
TimeStamp Input
____________________ _____
05-Oct-2016 13:39:30 4
05-Oct-2016 13:39:46 10
05-Oct-2016 13:43:33 9
05-Oct-2016 13:43:48 3
Not exactly sure what you want as your result, but here's one possibility:
>> tt = synchronize(t1,t2,t3,t5,'minutely','spline');
>> tt = synchronize(tt,t4,'first','previous')
tt =
TimeStamp Temp1___F_ Temp2___F_ AmbTemp___F_ Input Mode
____________________ __________ __________ ____________ _______ ___________
05-Oct-2016 12:20:00 74.828 74.481 55.097 -4892.4 <undefined>
05-Oct-2016 12:21:00 74.831 74.485 55.167 -5172 <undefined>
05-Oct-2016 13:39:00 75.065 74.78 56.401 -9.2975 <undefined>
05-Oct-2016 13:40:00 75.068 74.784 56.413 14.62 Test
05-Oct-2016 13:41:00 75.071 74.788 56.423 27.641 Test
05-Oct-2016 13:42:00 75.074 74.791 56.432 29.399 Test
05-Oct-2016 13:43:00 75.078 74.795 56.439 19.523 Test
05-Oct-2016 13:44:00 75.081 74.798 56.445 -2.353 Start
05-Oct-2016 13:45:00 75.084 74.802 56.45 -36.599 Start
05-Oct-2016 14:51:00 75.317 75.035 57.339 -48111 Start
05-Oct-2016 14:52:00 75.321 75.039 57.354 -49814 Start
Now everything is synchronized to the same time vector, and you can compute things like (Temp_2-Temp_1)/Amb_Temp). You can also use synchronize to aggregate rather than interpolate, so for example, compute hourly averages.
If you don't have R2016b, you can still do all that, but you'll need to do it "by hand" using interp1 on datetimes. Hope this helps.