MATLAB: What function in the Datafeed Toolbox 4.1 (R2011a) is equivalent to the Excel Bloomberg function BDS

bdsblpcurve_membersDatafeed Toolboxgetdata

I would like to know the equivalent of Bloomberg function BDS in Datafeed toolbox 4.1 (R2011a). For example, what is the equivalent in Datafeed Toolbox 4.1 (R2011a) for the following Bloomberg function?

Best Answer

Make sure that you have downloaded the latest version of BLP API (version 3.0, i.e. the' blpapi3.jar' file) from the Bloomberg and added it to the MATLAB Javaclasspath. If you have not, the instructions to do so can be found at the following link:
Once you have downloaded the 'blpapi3.jar' file and added it to the MATLAB Javaclasspath, you can execute the following commands on MATLAB Command prompt which are the equivalent of the command BDS("YCGT0025Index", "CURVE_MEMBERS") :
c = blp;
d = getdata(c, 'YCGT0025Index', 'CURVE_MEMBERS');
As a second example, the following two are equivalent as well:
BDS("mtl cn equity","ern_ann_dt_and_per")
b = blp;
d = getdata(b,'MTL CN Equity','ERN_ANN_DT_AND_PER')