MATLAB: What does Undefined operator ‘-‘ for input arguments of type ‘string’ mean


Hi, I am a beginner user of Matlab. I keep getting " Undefined operator '-' for input arguments of type 'string'", and I have no idea how I need to fix my script. Appreciate any help resolving this issue.
Below is my script:
%NDVI = (infrared - red)./(infrared + red);
NDVIs= ("subplots(299,:)"-"subplots(195,;)")./("subplots(299,:)"+"subplots(195,:)");
Error message:
Undefined operator '-' for input arguments of type 'string'.
Error in Exercise_NDVI (line 2)
NDVIs= ("subplots(299,:)"-"subplots(195,;)")./("subplots(299,:)"+"subplots(195,:)");

Best Answer

NDVIs = (subplots(299,:)-subplots(195,:))./(subplots(299,:)+subplots(195,:));