MATLAB: What does the orientation imply in the context of a double acting hydraulic cylinder


I am trying to use Double-Acting Hydraulic Cylinder block, but I am confused by the Cylinder orientation *parameter. *I can select either positive or negative. But since it is a double-acting Hydraulic cylinder, I was expecting this to be both positive and negative. Why should I select one?

Best Answer

There is a chamber of fluid where hydraulic port A is connected. Let's call that chamber A. Similarly, there is a chamber of fluid where hydraulic port B is connected. Let's call that chamber B.
When the "Mechanical orientation" is set to "Acts in the positive direction", it means that when chamber A increases in volume (e.g., when flow enters port A) and chamber B decreases in volume (e.g., when flow leaves port B), there will be a positive displacement of mechanical port R relative to mechanical port C. Conversely, "Acts in the negative direction" means that when chamber A increases in volume and chamber B decreases in volume, there will be a negative displacement of mechanical port R relative to mechanical port C.
Consider the attached model (R2016b) which is a modified version of the shipped demo "sh_cyl_counterbalance_valve".
In this model, the relative flow rate (Q_A - Q_B) and the position and velocity for port R are plotted on the scope. Flip the orientation and observe the behavior in the displacement and velocity in the Scope.This should help clarify cylinder orientation.
So if you want port R to have positive velocity as chamber A expands, select a positive orientation and vice-versa.