MATLAB: What does the following code do

If we have,
[row_num, col_num] = size(img);
What does the following code do?
function length_vec = compute_angular_length(row_num, col_num, amplitude_ang)
% function that calculates the maximum size in a diagonal image with
% inclination from 0 to 180° for each amp_ang degrees.

% length_vec = compute_angular_length (row_num, col_num, amplitude_ang)
% calculate the value of the angle for which I have the main diagonal
alpha_rad = atan2( row_num, col_num );
alpha = rad2deg(alpha_rad);
n_ang = floor(180/amplitude_ang);
length_vec = zeros(1, n_ang);
for i=1:n_ang
ang = (i-1)*amplitude_ang;
if (ang <= alpha || ang >= 180 - alpha )
length_vec(1,i)= abs(col_num / cos( deg2rad(ang)));
length_vec(1,i)= abs(row_num / cos( deg2rad(90 - ang)));
What does it mean by angular length?

Best Answer

Imagine that you are starting from one corner of a rectangular matrix, and you are drawing a line from there to somewhere on one of the opposite edges. What is the length of the angled line segment? This routine computes that, in increments of amplitude_ang degrees.
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