MATLAB: What does it mean when it is said that a struct is a 2-by-3 struct


What does it mean when it is said that a struct is a 2-by-3 struct?

Best Answer

Just like a numeric array, a structure array can be scalar, vector, matrix, or ND. If you have been using structures already then most likely they were scalar structures.
Here is a scalar numeric array:
X = 3
X has size 1x1.
Here is a vector numeric array:
X(1) = 2
X(2) = 3
X(3) = 5
X has size 1x3.
Here is a scalar structure array:
S.field = 1
Here is a vector structure array:
S(1).field = 2
S(2).field = 3
S(3).field = 5
The structure S has size 1x3. Read more here: