MATLAB: Assign Field to Structure Array without a Loop

for loopMATLABstructure array

In my routine I create a structure array within a loop like this:
Field1 = [1 2 3];
Field2 = [6 3 1];
for Runner = 1:3
StuctArray(Runner).Field1 = Field1(Runner);
StuctArray(Runner).Field2 = Field2(Runner);
As results, in the Variables Window the Structure Array columns are labelled with the field names, which is very convenient to me. However I try in different ways to do it without the loop, but did not succeed. E.g. I tried the following:
StructArray(1:3).Field1 = Field1
I would appreciate any hint how this can be solved without using a loop.

Best Answer

For-loop is alright, but if you insist
Field1 = [1 2 3];
Field2 = [6 3 1];
% Create struct
StructArray = struct('Field1',num2cell(Field1),'Field2',num2cell(Field2))
% Assign to existing struct
Field3 = [4 5 6]
c3 = num2cell(Field3)
[StructArray.Field3] = deal(c3{:});