MATLAB: What did i do wrong in this code when i calculate the average of all the run


I run 9 sets of data and try to take the average of 9 sets. I calculate the mean but it shows the mean equals to the last set of data (set 9). It does not calculate the mean at all. Li is a matrix 101 x 9
for nrun = 1:9
% Calculate each Li
Li(:, nrun) = ........
LMean= mean(Li(:,nrun),2)
Did I code it wrong? Please helps

Best Answer

You are overwriting LMean on each iteration through the loop.
You could delay the mean() call until after the loop, and then use
LMean - mean(Li,2);
This would be for calculating the 101 x 1 mean (mean of each point across the datasets.) If you were looking for the 1 x 9 mean (mean of each dataset) it would be
LMean = mean(Li);