MATLAB: Need help with the image processing about circle detection

I need help with an image processing problem? I am working on an egg counter…I would like to identify the white dots and then display how many white dots are present in the image. This is my code:
S = imread('29.jpg');
B = imcrop(S,[70 55 576 432]);
S2 = rgb2gray(B);
S3 = S2>180;
H = fspecial('unsharp');
I4 = imfilter(S3,H,'replicate');
se = strel('disk',11);
erodedBW = imerode(S3,se);
Here are the original and filtered images:

Best Answer

sigma = 5; % Gaussian smoothing, adapted to the size of the eggs
thres = 0.9; % binary threshold, adapted to the brightness of the eggs
G = rgb2gray(im2double(imread('eggs.jpg')));
B = im2bw(imfilter(G, fspecial('gaussian', sigma*3, sigma), 'replicate'), thres);
Bl = bwlabel(B);
Neggs = max(Bl(:))