MATLAB: What command line arguments are available for the MCRInstaller.bin, the Linux/UNIX/Mac version of the MATLAB Compiler 4.6 (R2007a) runtime libraries

argumentscommandcompilerconsoleinstalllinelinuxmacMATLABMATLAB Compilermcrmcrinstaller.binsilentunix

I would like to perform a non-graphical, silent, or otherwise customized install of the MCR on Linux/UNIX/Mac machines. The MATLAB Compiler documentation covers the command-line flags for the Windows versions of MCRInstaller.exe, but not the Linux/UNIX/Mac equivalent MCRInstaller.bin.

Best Answer

The documentation for MATLAB 7.7 (R2008b) has been updated to incorporate the relevant information. For previous product releases, read below:
Documentation on the MCRInstaller.bin command-line options is missing from the MATLAB Compiler documentation.
To list the command-line options for MCRInstaller.bin, execute the following command at your system prompt:
MCRInstaller.bin -is:help
As of MATLAB Compiler 4.6 (R2007a), these options are:
Where OPTIONS include:
-is:javahome <dir> JRE home which points to directory containing bin/java.
-is:tempdir <dir> Temporary directory to be used by the launcher.
-cp:a <classpath> Append <classpath> to the launcher's classpath.
-cp:p <classpath> Prepend <classpath> to the launcher's classpath.
-is:log <filename> Log debug messages to <file>.
-is:extract Extracts the contents of the archive.
-is:nospacecheck Turns off the launcher disk space checking.
-is:version Returns launcher version and exits.
-is:help Prints this help message and exits
This installer also supports the use of the following switches:
-console : Run in console (text) mode
-silent : Do no display any status messages
-options <file> : Use answers from the <file> for install questions
-options-record <file> : Use this to record options from an interactive install session to a text file for future use with the -options flag.
For example, to re-use an options file "opts.txt" created during previous installation using the '-option-record' switch, run:
./MCRInstaller.bin -console -silent -options opts.txt
The MCRInstaller.bin file should be in the following directory:
where "matlabroot" can be found by executing the MATLAB command
and "arch" is the string returned by the executing the MATLAB command
In R2007b and later, you can find the location of MCRInstaller.bin by executing the following MATLAB command: