MATLAB: Warning not being suppressed during parfor loop

MATLABParallel Computing Toolboxparforwarning

I'm running a parfor loop. Within the loop, occasionally the following error is thrown:
Warning: File not found or permission denied
I've attempted to disable this warning on each core (I deal with the cause of the error separately) as follows:
warning('off', 'MATLAB:DELETE:PermissionDenied');
do stuff
But the warning still occurs.
Does anyone have any thoughts on how I'm going wrong?

Best Answer

I have tried to reproduce this issue using a known warning:'MATLAB:rmpath:DirNotFound'
Reproduction Code:
parpool(2) % creating a parallel pool of two workers
parfor i = 1:2
Turning off a warning in spmd suppresses the warning in workers successfully. I believe that the warning you are turning off might be incorrect. To see the identifier of the last issued warning
w = warning('query','last') % put these two lines in the parfor loop after the line that causes this error
w.identifier % this contains the warning identifier
You can see the identifier of the warning from the field 'identifier' of struct'w' returned by above command. This is the warning you should turn off to suppress that warning. To get more information on how to suppress warnings, refer: Suppress Warnings