MATLAB: How to turn off a particular warning in MATLAB


I am receiving a warning that I am not interested in. I would like to suppress the display of that warning even though I do not know the warning identifier.

Best Answer

This change has been incorporated into the documentation in Release 2010a (R2010a). For previous releases, read below for any additional information:
The general method for suppressing a warning message is to issue the following command at the prompt:
warning('off', MSGID)
The string 'MSGID' is a unique identifier that corresponds to a particular warning message.
There are two ways to determine what a warning's identifier is, so that it can be suppressed later:
1) Just after the specific warning has been issued, run the following command:
[a, MSGID] = lastwarn();
This will save the message identifier to the variable MSGID. Then you can use the command given above to turn that particular warning off.
2) Turn on verbose warning messages with the following command:
warning on verbose
When warnings are displayed, they will include the command that can be used to turn that warning off.