MATLAB: Want to draw two axes using a single popupmenu

guidematlab gui

I haven't used matlab gui before. I want to draw two plots using a popup menu. Suppose, I want to plot cm and mm values in two axes Using a popup menu which has multiple object names. So each time I select one option from popup menu it shows both cm and mm values in two different axes. Any help with an example is highly appreciated.

Best Answer

function popup1_Callback(hObject, event, handles)
all_strings = get(hObject, 'String');
if ischar(all_strings); all_strings = cellstr(all_strings); end
which_chosen = get(hObject, 'value');
chosen_string = all_strings{which_chosen};
ax1 = handles.axes1;
ax2 = handles.axes2;
switch chosen_string
case 'lollipop':
plot(ax1, 1:20, rand(1,20));
plot(ax2, 1:20, rand(1,20)*10);
case 'ping-pong':
plot(ax1, 1:20, randn(1:20));
plot(ax2, 1:2), randn(1:20)*10);