MATLAB: How to plot multiple figures in the same figure in matlab?

hold onMATLABoverlapping triangular windowsplotsubplot

How to plot multiple figures in the same figure in matlab?? I have to plot overlapping triangular windows in the same graph. Could anyone help me??. I need this for my project.

Best Answer

plot(x1, y1);
hold on
plot(x2, y2);
plot(x3, y3);
If you need multiple axes that overlap, do not use subplot() as subplot() automatically erases any axes that the new axes would overlap.
ax1 = axes('Position', [10 10 50 50]);
plot(ax1, x1, y1);
ax2 = axes('Position', [20 20 50 50]);
plot(ax2, x2, y2);
ax3 = axes('Position', [30 10 50 50]);
plot(ax3, x3, y3);