MATLAB: Waitfor function not working properly.. need help


Hi guys,
I used the waitfor function on matlab 2013b and now that i have installed 2015b, this function does not seem to work properly.
Firstplot= plot(thld,numBlackPixels); %plots each thld value and its corresponding black pixel count
grid on
zoom on;
zoom reset
zoom off
[x,y]=ginput; %lets users select the range of values for thresholding
x1=x(1); %first x value chosen
x2=x(2); %second x value chosen
The above line of codes is what i've been using in 2013b and it doesn't work in 2015b.. i get the error
Error using waitfor
Invalid property.
Error in Image_Analysis_For_Porosity_And_Cracks (line 27)
I cant figure it out. Thanks for the help

Best Answer

waitfor(gcf,'CurrentCharacter', char(13))