MATLAB: How to use the GINPUT function to select a point on an image in MATLAB along with the ZOOM function


How can I use the GINPUT function to select a point on an image in MATLAB along with the ZOOM function?
I want to zoom in on an image using the ZOOM function. When the image is zoomed in at the desired level, I wish to use the GINPUT function to pickup and process a point. How can I do this programmatically?

Best Answer

You can use the WAITFORBUTTONPRESS function for using the GINPUT function to select a point on my image after using the ZOOM function. The following code illustrates the solution:
% Display a file
I = imread('rice.png');
% use mouse button to zoom in or out
% Press Enter to get out of the zoom mode
zoom on;
'CurrentCharacter' contains the most recent key which was pressed after opening the figure.
% Wait for the most recent key to become the return/enter key
waitfor(gcf, 'CurrentCharacter', char(13))
zoom reset
zoom off
[c,r,but] = ginput(1)