MATLAB: Visualizing a DICOM file of multiple frames

dicomImage Processing Toolbox

I generated this brain tumor via TumorSim and converted it from .mha to .dcm using the gdcm2vtk tool.
I want to visualize it now in Matlab 2012a, I tried this, following the ankle demo (which is based on a single frame dicom file):
info = dicominfo('T1Gad.dcm');
image_data = dicomread('T1Gad.dcm');
I get the following errors:
Error using imageDisplayValidateParams>validateCData (line 117)
Unsupported dimension.
Error in imageDisplayValidateParams (line 31)
common_args.CData = validateCData(common_args.CData,image_type);
Error in imtool/addImageToImtool (line 323)
common_args = imageDisplayValidateParams(common_args);
Error in imtool (line 270)
Error in mostrarDicom (line 12)

Best Answer

What does
report ?
I suspect that what you are getting from dicomread() is an array of slices, and that you need to display one slice at a time,
imshow(image_data(:,:,1), [])
or else use