MATLAB: VBA-like “with” function ? + get(0,’ScreenSize’)


I have just installed Matlab R2015a with the new object-oriented syntax to get/set graphic object properties e.g.:
h_quit.Enable = 'On'
instead of:
Very good. But is there a "with" function similar to the one in VBA, that could allow us in some cases to save characters in program ? That way, we could write:
With data.UsedByGuiData_m
.TagPanel(2).Visible = 'off'
.TagPanel(3).Visible = 'off'
.TagPanel(4).Visible = 'off'
.TagPanel(5).Visible = 'off'
instead of:
data.UsedByGuiData_m.TagPanel(2).Visible = 'off';
data.UsedByGuiData_m.TagPanel(3).Visible = 'off';
data.UsedByGuiData_m.TagPanel(4).Visible = 'off';
data.UsedByGuiData_m.TagPanel(5).Visible = 'off';
Another question related to this new syntax:
to retrieve the resolution of my computer screen, I use:
I have tried the new syntax:
But it doesn't work, I get the following error message:
Parse error at ScreenSize: usage might be invalid Matlab syntax.
Is it normal ?

Best Answer

Hi Luis,
not really. What you can do is to assign to an intermediate variable, something like
lTagPanel = data.UsedByGuiData_m.TagPanel;
lTagPanel(2).Visible = 'off'
lTagPanel(3).Visible = 'off'
lTagPanel(4).Visible = 'off'
lTagPanel(5).Visible = 'off'
or use multiple assignments at once:
[data.UsedByGuiData_m.TagPanel(2:5).Visible] = deal('off')
although I guess easier readable would be the "set" notation in this case
set(data.UsedByGuiData_m.TagPanel(2:5), 'visible', 'off')
Regarding the question on 0: you need to create a variable
r = groot;
Since groot is a function, groot.ScreenSize does not work ...