MATLAB: Varfun for a cell array

cell arraysgroupingvariablemeanvarfun

Is there a way to apply varfun(@mean,A,'GroupingVariable','VariableX')to all the elements that are contained into a cell array? If yes, how?
Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

I didn't quite get the last part of your description but this should get you started. If you have trouble completing your goal, please elaborate.
The key is using cellfun to evaluate a function for each element of a cell array.
% C is the [n x 1] cell array containing tables with the same headers.
% Create function to be executed on each table T
tableFcn = @(T)varfun(@mean,T,'GroupingVariable','Price');
% Compute the grouped mean for each variable
A= cellfun(tableFcn, C, 'UniformOutput', false)
% Get all values where groupcount==2
selectedGroupCount = cellfun(@(T){T(T.GroupCount == 2, :)}, A);
% Convert the cell array of tables into a final table
Afinal = vertcat(selectedGroupCount{:});