MATLAB: Find Number of Elements in an Array


Hello guys. I want to find the number of elements in a string array.
Lets say A = ['KM'; 'KL'; 'MN'; 'KM', 'MM', 'KL'] is my array list.
It should give output as;
[2,2,1,1] since my string array includes 2 KM, 2 KL, 1MN, and 1MM.
How can i do that?

Best Answer

The "A" array provided in the question will result in a dimensions mismatch error. I'm assuming A is an [nx2] char array.
A = ['KM'; 'KL'; 'MN'; 'KM'; 'MM'; 'KL'];
% Convert char array to cell array of strings
Acell = cellstr(A);
% Find groups of strings
[groups, groupID]= findgroups(Acell(:));
% Count members of each group
count = sum(groups(:).' == unique(groups(:)),2);
% Display results in a table
countTable = table(groupID(:),count(:),'VariableNames',{'Group','Count'});
countTable =
4×2 table
Group Count
_____ _____
'KL' 2
'KM' 2
'MM' 1
'MN' 1