MATLAB: Call specific rows of a table then choose rows that has specific criteria in those rows .


I want to say for each radius celltracker_group2.time == 10 if radius<=3 and cell_type==4 then GroupCount=GroupCoutn+1.
Any help?

Best Answer

I want to say for each radius celltracker_group2.time == 10 if radius<=3 and cell_type==4 then GroupCount=GroupCoutn+1
Easily done:
selectedrows = celltracker_group2.time == 10 & celltracker_group2.radius <= 3 & celltracker_group2.celltype == 4; %logical vector indicating which rows match the condition
celltracker_group2.GroupCount(selectedrows) = celltracker_group2.GroupCount(selectedrows) + 1; %add 1 to groupcount of the rows that match the condition