MATLAB: Using xls read to read value from column /row in a for loop

for loopiterationxlsread

Hi everyone, i have a file of binary data(i.e. 0 and 1) only as , 128rows and 128 columns. all i want is my for loop to take one row or column at time and assign its value to key_out variable, and in next iteration it moves to 2nd row or column. Right now i have this code given below, but its not working fine, i will be very glad if someone can help me.
filename = 'binary.xlsx';
key_out=sprintf('%g', key_out);
key_out= reshape(key_out, [],128);
for j=1:128
my_out= masterkey (key_out);
%two more functions will be executed here, for each 128 bits of j

Best Answer

You need to specify row and column indices. Try this
for j=1:128
my_out= key_out(:,j); % extracts the jth column