MATLAB: How to write data to excel without overwrite data that already in the excel

csvMATLABmatlab functionxlswrite

Hi, please help me .
Here is my code:-
filename = 'F:\FYP\Training.xls';
A = {person,A,B,EuclideanDistance,r};
sheet = 1;
xlRange = 'A2';
I want my new data to be insert to the last row(empty row) in that training file.

Best Answer

To write in the empty rows, you have to specify that to xlswrite. So, either you know the row number beforehand and use that 'xlRange' to write the variable 'A'. Example:
filename = 'F:\FYP\Training.xls';
A = {person,A,B,EuclideanDistance,r};
sheet = 1;
empty_row = 10
xlRange = ['A',num2str(empty_row)];
Or if you don't know the row number beforehand you can count the filled rows inside the file using xlsread. Example:
filename = 'F:\FYP\Training.xls';
A = {person,A,B,EuclideanDistance,r};
sheet = 1;
[~,~,ev] = xlsread(filename,sheet); % ev is cell array containing every filled row and column
empty_row = size(ev,1) + 1;
xlRange = ['A',num2str(empty_row)];
I hope it helps !