MATLAB: Using WindowKeyPressFcn with uicontrol


From my code
snap = uicontrol(f,'Style','pushbutton','String','Recognize',… 'units','characters',… 'Position',[5 1.5 30 5],'Callback',{@snapshot_callback});
How to push button by using key press from keyboard and if I want to push button by spacebar how to specify it?
Thank you so much 🙂

Best Answer

Ara - if you want the pressing of the spacebar to simulate the pressing of the snap button, you can do the following: in your code that generates the GUI, assign a callback to the figure for the WindowKeyPressFcn as
where f is your figure. The keyPressCallback will be called whenever the figure/GUI has focus and a key on the keyboard is pressed. Now define the callback (within the same file) as
function keyPressCallback(source,eventdata)
% determine the key that was pressed
keyPressed = eventdata.Key;
if strcmpi(keyPressed,'space')
% the key that was pressed was the space bar so set focus to
% the snap button
% invoke the callback for the snap button
In the above, we use uicontrol to set focus to the snap button, and then we call its callback. I had to do this in my environment, so make sure that it is necessary for you to do the same. (Using uincontrol didn't automatically call the callback for the button.)
Try the above and see what happens!