MATLAB: KeyPressFcn problem


Hi everyone,
I have a problem regarding the KeyPressFcn of a figure. I try to make a GUI in which I want to control something with the keys. If the focus is on the main figure then this is possible but after I press a button and the focus moves to the button, the KeyPressFcn doesn't activate. How can I move the focus back to the main window (to the background) after I press a button, in order to be able to record again the pressed keys?
Here is a small example in which after the button is pressed the keys are not recorded until I click with the mouse somewhere on the background and the focus moves again to the main window.
function crazy_gui
f = figure('KeyPressFcn', @(handle,event) disp(event.Key), 'Position',[500,500,500,500]);
hButton = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String','Crazy Button',...
function button_Callback(handle,event)
disp('Focus changed to the button! Now you cannot record the pressed keys');

Best Answer

Try the WindowKeyPressFcn instead.