MATLAB: Using the ‘Set_param’ command to change the Number of Input ports of MinMax

set paramsimulink

Bonjour tout le monde j'espère que vous allez très bien.
I want to change the number of input ports of MinMax block using the 'Set_Param' command, but Matlab response (MinMax block does not have a parameter named 'Number of input ports' ) i tried with the deferent name lik -Number of input- -Number of ports- but without results. i tried ether the get_param command. the same error
a=get_param('ess/MinMax','Number of input ports')
MinMax block does not have a parameter named 'Number of input ports'
>> a=get_param('ess/MinMax','Number of ports')
MinMax block does not have a parameter named 'Number of ports'
>> a=get_param('ess/MinMax','Number of input ports')
MinMax block does not have a parameter named 'Number of input ports'
>> a=get_param('ess/MinMax','Block parameters')
MinMax block does not have a parameter named 'Block parameters'
>> % How can i change the Number of input ports of MinMax using Set param
%Thank you

Best Answer

The property name is 'Inputs'.
web(fullfile(docroot, 'simulink/slref/common-block-parameters.html'))