MATLAB: Using subs function on a syms matrix


I have a matrix 't' which initially has sysm variables as input
t = [t1 t2 t3]; %t1 t2 and t3 are syms variables
Later, I wish to substitute constant values in place of the syms variables in the matrix 't'. For this, I tried running the following code:
subs(t,[t1 t2 t3],[0 0 45])
But when I print the 't' matrix in command window, I get the output:
t = [t1, t2, t3]
So, it seems that the syms variables are not being replaced with the desired constant values. How do I tackle this problem?

Best Answer

Assign it to ‘t’:
syms t1 t2 t3
t = [t1 t2 t3]; %t1 t2 and t3 are syms variables
t = subs(t,[t1 t2 t3],[0 0 45])
t =
[ 0, 0, 45]