MATLAB: Using spreadsheet column headers as variable

column headers

I am writing a function to import an Excel table. I am using 'opts' commands in order to add some versatility to the function. However, when I use readtable(… , opts),the variables for my imported table say 'Var1, Var2, Var3..'. I want my variable names to be the variables contained in the first row of my spreadsheet. How am I able to fix this? Obviously, I don't want to use opts.'VariableNames' and type out each variable that I have. That would take way too long.
P.S. this does not happen when I use juse readtable(..), it only occurs when I have the opts with it.

Best Answer

To read the tabular data while preserving variable names, set the 'PreserveVariableNames' parameter to true.
T_preserve = readtable('sampletable.txt','PreserveVariableNames',true)
You must be using MATLAB R2019b or newer to use this.
If you are using opts, try this.
opts = detectImportOptions;
opts.ReadVariableNames = true;
T_preserve = readtable('sampletable.txt',opts);