MATLAB: Error using readtable with “opts” and “TreatAsEmpty” together

data importerrorimportimporting excel dataMATLABreadtabletables

Hi, I am trying to import an xlsx file to a table using the following command:
trial_table = readtable(xlsx_file_path, opts, 'TreatAsEmpty',{'.','NA'});
However, I get the following error:
Error using (line 339)
'TreatAsEmpty' is not a recognized parameter. For a list of valid name-value pair arguments, see the documentation for readtable.
I read the documentation, and as far as I understand, 'TreatAsEmpty' should be a recognized name-value pair argument. In fact, when I used only the 'TreatAsEmpty' or the 'opts' input alone, the function worked!
trial_table = readtable(xlsx_file_path, 'TreatAsEmpty',{'.','NA'}); #this works
trial_table = readtable(xlsx_file_path, opts); #this works
trial_table = readtable(xlsx_file_path, opts, 'TreatAsEmpty',{'.','NA'}); #this does not work
trial_table = readtable(xlsx_file_path, 'TreatAsEmpty',{'.','NA'}, opts);#this does not work
From the readtable documentation page I understand that I am using a valid input:
Any ideas why this is not working? Thanks

Best Answer

Only a subset of the parameters in READTABLE are allowed with the options. Part of the reason is that, in the import options, you can set TreatAs_Missing_ per-variable.
opts = setvaropts(opts, _yourVars_, 'TreatAsMissing',{'.','NA'});
Hope this helps