MATLAB: Using plot3 to plot 3d vectors


The following code is meant to plot the vectors (4,5,6), (-3,6,-3) and (1,2,3) directed from the origin.
plot3([0 4], [0 5], [0 6], 'k^--',[0 -3], [0 6], [0 -3], 'b^--', [0 1],...
[0 2],[0 3], 'r^-')
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z');
In the plot generated, the location of some points does not appear to correspond to the axis numbers. For example, the origin is located at a point where neither x nor y nor z appear to be 0 although the same is not true for the remaining points on the plot (like (-3,6,-3) and (4,5,6)) and the location of points relative to each other seems correct. Can someone explain what is causing this and how this issue can be fixed?

Best Answer

This one is the correct way of plotting the data points:
point1 = [4,5,6];
point2 = [-3,6,-3];
point3 = [1 2 3];
origin = [0,0,0];
figure;hold on;
plot3([origin(1) point1(1)],[origin(2) point1(2)],[origin(3) point1(3)],'r-^', 'LineWidth',3);
plot3([origin(1) point2(1)],[origin(2) point2(2)],[origin(3) point2(3)],'g-^', 'LineWidth',3);
plot3([origin(1) point3(1)],[origin(2) point3(2)],[origin(3) point3(3)],'b-^', 'LineWidth',3);
grid on;
xlabel('X axis'), ylabel('Y axis'), zlabel('Z axis')
set(gca,'CameraPosition',[1 2 3]);