MATLAB: How to translate figure so that point1 [0 -1]’ is located at the origin


I began by plotting the original figure with the following code:
% Define coordinates of original graph
point1 = [0 -1]';
point2 = [1 1]';
point3 = [3 2]';
point4 = [3 0]';
point5 = [2 -1]';
point6 = [0 -1]';
points = [point1 point2 point3 point4 point5 point6];
plot_points = @(list_of_points) plot(list_of_points(1,:), list_of_points(2,:), '-o');
% Plot characteristics
plot(points(1,:), points(2,:), 'b')
axis([-1 3.5 -1 2]) % axis min and max
grid on
title('2D Cad Figure')
What can be done to translate figure so that point1 is located at the origin?

Best Answer

I am not certain what result you want.
One option is to add this line after the plot call:
axis(reshape([point1, point3]', 1, 4))
In context:
% Plot characteristics
plot(points(1,:), points(2,:), 'b')
axis([-1 3.5 -1 2]) % axis min and max
grid on
title('2D Cad Figure')
axis(reshape([point1, point3]', 1, 4))