MATLAB: Using pcshow on a UI panel

axeserrorfigureparentpcshowpoint cloudpointcloudrendereruipanel

I am trying to plot a point cloud of data on an axes whose Parent is a uipanel. The uipanel was created on a figure. The issue I am having is that when I am trying to show the point cloud data using pcshow, I am getting an error as follows:
PC = pointCloud(dataPts); % Where dataPts is a Nx3 array of 3D coordinates
pcshow(PC, 'Parent', ax); % where ax is the handle to the axes whose 'Parent' is a uipanel
No appropriate method, property, or field 'Renderer' for class 'matlab.ui.container.Panel'.
Error in pcshow (line 106) if strcmpi(hFigure.Renderer, 'painters')
It seems like the pcshow only works when the axes's 'Parent' is a figure, otherwise it will not find the 'Renderer' properties (such as within the uipanel).
Is there any way of plotting point cloud data on an axes that is a 'child' of a uipanel?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Kind Regards, Andre

Best Answer

I had encountered the same issue. One option would be to modify the pcshow function Modify the line around Line 108
% Get the current figure handle
hFigure = get(currentAxes,'Parent');
htmp = currentAxes;
while true
hFigure = get(htmp, 'Parent');
htmp = hFigure;
if isa(hFigure, 'matlab.ui.Figure')
Hope this helps.