MATLAB: Convert unorganized point cloud (MX3) to organized point cloud (MXNX3)

convert point cloudorganized point cloudpcfitplaneplypoint cloudunorganized point cloud

Hello all, I am wondering if there is a method to convert unorganized point cloud (MX3) to organized point cloud (MXNX3). The PLY format doesn't support organized format. I need to convert it to organized one in order to find the plane using pcfitplane like this method: . Thanks

Best Answer

You do not need to convert a pointCloud to organized form to use the pcfitplane function.
Here is an example:
% Read an unorganized point cloud
ptCloud = pcread('teapot.ply');
% The point cloud is unorganized, since Location property is M-by-3
% Use pcfitplane
maxDistance = 0.5;
referenceVector = [0 0 1];
model = pcfitplane(ptCloud, maxDistance, referenceVector)
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