MATLAB: Processing of LiDAR point cloud data

3d transformation3d translationcomputer visionComputer Vision Toolboxdeep learningfitting plane to 3d point cloud datalidarpoint cloud dataprocessing of point cloud dataransac algorithm

I would like to project the selected section of point cloud data to ground OR flat. As we can see its like ramp but i need it flat. May i know to do it without loss of distance or data (not considerable amount). This is from .pcd file and collected using a LiDAR. This is a map of outside environment.
Kindly some suggestions ASAP

Best Answer

Use pcread to read point cloud from PLY or PCD file. And extract the selected portion of data points using findPointsInROI. An the use segmentGroundFromLidarDatato segment ground points from organized lidar data.
Please refer the following link for more information.