MATLAB: Using numbers in wordcloud

MATLABnumbersstringText Analytics Toolboxwordcloud

im trying to create a wordcloud from a string which includes numbers and words, but unfortunately the numbers in the string are ignored.
For example if I try:
wordcloud('hello test 123 hello');
there's only 'hello' and 'test' in the wordcloud.
Does anyone know a way to show numbers in wordcloud?
Thx in advance

Best Answer

Do you have the Text Analytics Toolbox?
Assuming you do not, and you don't have a count of the words, the syntax you need to use is
  • wordcloud(C) creates a word cloud chart from the unique elements of categorical array C with sizes corresponding to their frequency counts. If you have Text Analytics Toolbox™, then C can be a string array, character vector, or a cell array of character vectors.
Split the string and turn it into categoricals.
s = 'hello test 123 hello';