MATLAB: Using lsqnonlin on large-scale problems – Question about “JacobMult” option


I am trying to use lsqnonlin() on a very large problem set, in which the Jacobian has a size of 31457280×393216 and is sparse. I am able to calculate the Jacobian myself and pass it to lsqnonlin() using
options = optimoptions('lsqnonlin','Jacobian','on')
The problem is that lsqnonlin() is taking a very long time. I stepped through the code to find where the bottleneck is happening and have tracked it down to the preconditioner step in the trust region algorithm. That is, within the function trdog(), it calls a preconditioner function aprecon() which performs a QR decomposition on the Jacobian. Specificially it is this section of aprecon() which takes an incredibly long time:
p = colamd(TM);
RPCMTX = qr(TM(:,p));
My question is, will using the JacobMult option of lsqnonlin() avoid this? According to the documentation:
For large-scale structured problems, this function computes the Jacobian matrix product J*Y, J'*Y, or J'*(J*Y) without actually forming J.
which to me sounds like it is only useful for large-scale problems in which the Jacobian is too large to even be stored, which is not the issue in my case. Additionally, I have read this: Jacobian Multiply Function with Linear Least Squares, and am confused on what the Jacobian Multiply function is actually doing, and therefore am unsure on how to even implement this.
To summarize, will the JacobMult option avoid the extremely time-consuming QR decomposition in lsqnonlin() for large-scale problems, and can anyone give a clear demonstration on what the JacobMult option actually is doing and how to implement it?

Best Answer

If you use JacobMult, I imagine it will try to solve for the Newton steps iteratively, instead of with QR decomposition, which could be faster, depending on how sparse your Jacobian really is.
Basically, the Newton step amounts to solving a linear equation
where J is your Jacobian. There are iterative algorithms which can do this using a series of multiplications with J and J.'. In your case, the JacobMult function could be implemented simply as
function W=jmfun(J,Y,flag)
if flag==0
W = J'*(J*Y);
elseif flag>0
W= J*Y;