MATLAB: Matlab 2019b optimoptions not work on sparse jacobPattern anymore


I have just recently update to Matlab2019b, but the optmoptions did not work as I expect.
For example I have sparse jacobian pattern matrix create by A=speye(100000) and feed to optimoption by
'options = optimoptions(@fsolve,'Display','iter','JacobPattern',J,'Algorithm','trust-region','SubproblemAlgorithm','cg');'
It just complain as follows, seems Matlab2019b tries to construct a dense matrix from the sparse. While this code will work on Matlab2018b.
Anyone can help for that, please? Thanks

Best Answer

This is a bug in optimoptions in R2019b. Thanks for reporting this!
As a workaround until it is fixed, you can use optimset
options = optimset('Display','iter','JacobPattern',J,'Algorithm','trust-region','SubproblemAlgorithm','cg');
======== Update ==========
Note, this bug is fixed in R2020a and later releases.