MATLAB: Using ‘ismember’ against multiple sets of parameters


Hi there,
I'm trying to find two sets of parameters (Keeper_Indexes 1 & 2), and locate them on an image (Labeled_Image):
Keeper_Indexes1=find( 0.7 < para1 & para1 < 0.72);
Keeper_Indexes2=find( 0.9 < para1 & para1 < 0.905);
PossibleCracks1 = ismember(Labeled_Image, Keeper_Indexes1);
PossibleCracks2 = ismember(Labeled_Image, Keeper_Indexes2);
figure, imshow(PossibleCracks1,'DisplayRange', []),title('Possible Cracks1');
figure, imshow(PossibleCracks2,'DisplayRange', []),title('Possible Cracks2');
This is the current code i'm using, however, is there a way to integrate Keeper_Indexes 1 & 2 together, or to integrate two ismember functions into one? Meaning, figuratively,
Keeper_Indexes = find( 0.9 < para1 & para1 < 0.905) & find( 0.7 < para1 & para1 < 0.72);
TotalPossibleCracks = PossibleCracks1 + PossibleCracks2
Thank you for your help!

Best Answer

Yes, you can combine the lines. Just do
Keeper_Indexes = [Keeper_Indexes1, Keeper_Indexes2];
PossibleCracks = ismember(Labeled_Image, Keeper_Indexes);
imshow(PossibleCracks>0); % Binarize and display.