MATLAB: How to use the find function against regionprops


Hi there, I''m having trouble using the find function.. Basically, I have this image called binaryImage, I want to find specific areas of the image with a range of parameters. Here's my code:
blobMeasurements = regionprops(Lh, I, 'all');
And a whole bunch of codes(not included here) that allow me to display in Matlab, a few parameters of the labeled areas(blobs):
Blob # Mean Intensity Area Diameter Eccentricity
# 1 196.6 4393.0 74.8 0.6
# 2 234.1 55.0 8.4 0.9
# 3 242.9 9.0 3.4 0.9
# 4 216.2 316.0 20.1 1.0
# 5 232.7 49.0 7.9 1.0
para1 = [blobMeasurements.Eccentricity];
para2 = [blobMeasurements.MeanIntensity];
Keeper_Indexes = find(0.9<para1<=0.1 & 230<para2<250);
PossibleCracks = ismember(Lh, Keeper_Indexes);
figure, imshow(PossibleCracks, 'DisplayRange', []), title('Possible Cracks');
I thought it would show me the areas of blobs#2, #3, and #5, but figure 'Possible Cracks' doesn't show me that.. instead it shows me alot of unnessary other blob areas. What should i do? Please advice! Thank you!

Best Answer

When you have
then MATLAB interprets that as
The result of (A<B) is a logical vector of 0's and 1's. If C is all 0's then the result would be false; if C is all greater than 1, then the result would be true; if C contains some 1's then it is possible to get a mix of true and false results out.
In the case of your 0.9<para1<=0.1 you are testing (0's and 1's) <= 0.1 which will be true for the 0's and false for the 1's, and so would be equivalent to just testing
0.9 >= para1
In the case of your 230<para2<250 you are testing (0's and 1's) < 250 which will always be true.
If you want to test a range, then use
(lowvalue < x) & (x < highvalue)
but adjusting the < to <= if appropriate.
Notice that in 0.9<para1<=0.1 that you are not going to be able to find any values that are less than 0.9 but simultaneously less than 0.1 . You should recheck what you want for that condition and rewrite it in the (lowvalue < x) & (x < highvalue) format.