MATLAB: Using fmincon with extra parameters

extra parametersfminconmultiple iterationsnonlinear constraintsoptimisation

I am in the process of writing an optimisation code for the design of beams. I am using the fmincon function to achieve the minimal cross sectional area. I have completed the code for 1 iteration, which is shown below:
The objective function:
objective = @(x) (2*x(1)*x(2)) + ((x(3)-(2*x(2)))*x(4)); %Minimise cross sectional area
x0 = [210,17.4,536.7,10.8]; %Initial guess
disp(['Initial Objective: ' num2str(objective(x0))]) %Initial guess C.A
%fmincon inputs
A =[];
b = [];
Aeq = [];
beq = [];
lb = [50; 5; 100; 4];
ub = [450; 70; 1100; 36];
%non linear inequalities and equalities constraints
nonlincon = @nlcon;
%options for the analysis
options = optimoptions('fmincon', 'Algorithm', 'sqp', 'Display', 'iter-detailed',...
'MaxFunctionEvaluations', 1000000, 'MaxIterations', 20000,...
'FunctionTolerance', 1e-1);
x = fmincon(objective, x0, A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlincon,options);
%Display final results with constraints shown
disp(['Final Objective: ' num2str(objective(x))])
[c,ceq] = nlcon(x)
the non-linear constraints:
function [c,ceq] = nlcon(x)
% Initial information
w = 51.1; % N/mm load
L = 4300; % mm Span of beam
E = 210000; % N/mm2 Youngs Modulus
v = 0.3; % Poisson's Ratio
ymo = 1; % Material Partial Factor
% Section Classification Flange width to thickness ratio in compression
% Class 2 taken to be the upper limit as same procedure as Class 1
c1 = (((x(1)-x(4))/2)/(x(2)))-(10*eps);
% Section Classification: Web width to thickness ratio in bending
c2 = (x(3)-(2*(x(2))))/(x(4))-(83*eps);
% Bending Moment Constraint
Emx = (w*1.5)*L^2/2; % Nmm Bending Moment of a UDL Cantilever Beam wl2/2
Rmx = (zp*fy)/ymo; % Nmm Bending Resistance in accordance to Eurocode 3 for Class 1 or 2 beams
c3 = Emx-Rmx; % Inequality constraint for Bending Moment
% Shear Force Constraint
Evx = (w*1.5)*L; % N Shear force of a UDL Cantilever beam
Rvx = (Av*(fy*(3^(1/2))))/ymo; % N Shear Resistance in accordance to Eurocode 3 for class 1 or 2
c4 = Evx-Rvx;
% Deflection Constraint
Edf = ((w*L^4)/(8*E*Ix));
Rdf = L/250;
c5 = Edf-Rdf;
% Imperfection factor alphaLT
if x(3)/x(1)<=2
alphaLT = 0.49;
alphaLT = 0.79;
%Non-dimensional Slenderness lambdaLT calculation
lambdaLT = ((zp*fy)/Mcr)^(1/2);
lambdaLT0 = 0.2; %From NA to BS EN 1993-1-1 cl. NA.2.17b for welded sections
BetaLT = 1; % From NA to BS EN 1993-1-1 cl. NA.2.17b for welded sections
phiLT = 0.5*(1+(alphaLT*(lambdaLT-lambdaLT0))+(BetaLT*lambdaLT^2));
%Reduction Factor
XLT0 = 1/(phiLT+(((phiLT^2)-(BetaLT*(phiLT^2)))^(1/2)));
XLT = min([XLT0,1]);
%Buckling Resistance
Mbrd = XLT*zp*fy/ymo;
c6 = Emx-Mbrd;
c7 = (x(3)/x(1))-3.1
%% contraint inequality
c = [c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7];
%% constraint equality
My question is how would I go about doing multiple iteration of this with different Length of beam (L)?
I want to find the optimal design variables for each length of beam between 100:100:15000. I was thinking about using a for loop but not sure how and where to implement this within the code. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time!

Best Answer

See this post from the MathWorks Support Team.
You'd probably need a loop to iterate through all the lengths. Update your call to fmincon like so
L = 4300;
x = fmincon(objective, x0, A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,@(x)nlcon(x,L),options);
function [c,ceq] = nlcon(x,L)