Hello everyone.
I am running 'fmincon' for global optimization but some errors are occured.
The below is the code that I put
P = [];P = P.';x0 = ones(243,1); TP = []; lb = zeros(243,1); ub = ones(243,1); aeq =[]; beq=[]; nonlcon_fmincon = [@nonlinearcon]; % Non-linear constraint we used for MOLP is stored in @nonlinearcon function
opts_mincon =optimoptions(@fmincon,'MaxFunctionEvaluations', 100000000000,'ConstraintTolerance',1e-5);%%
rng defaultgs = GlobalSearch;C = [123935;85425;96389;79871;138338;.....;27614];C = C.';fun_C = @(x)-C*x;problem = createOptimProblem('fmincon','nonlcon',nonlcon_fmincon,'x0',x0,'objective',fun_C,'LB',lb,'UB',ub);x = run(gs,problem);
The error messages are follows;
Error : createOptimProblem (line 107)No field LB exists for PROBLEM structure.Type "help createOptimProblem" for a list of valid fields for each solver.Error: Untitled (line 18)problem = createOptimProblem('fmincon','nonlcon',nonlcon_fmincon,'x0',x0,'objective',fun_C,'LB',lb,'UB',ub)
I don't know which one has problem.
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