MATLAB: Using bsxfun instead of arrayfun for repeating function


I am using a function that produces row vectors based on the RNG. Now I would like to repeat that function and put the rows into a matrix. I am currently using arrayfun, but that seems inneficient to me. Is there a way to use bsxfun to do this?(I included an example code to show what I mean)
Jos van den Berg
cell2mat(arrayfun(@(i) myfun(v,u,h) , 1:3, 'UniformOutput', false )')
function y = myfun(v,u,h)
y = [u*rand,v*rand,h*rand];

Best Answer

bsxfun serves a completely different purpose to arrayfun. One rarely replaces the other. Note that as of R2016b, for most operations, bsxfun is not needed anymore.
In your particular example, the whole output could be obtained simply with:
y = [u * rand(3, 1), v * rand(3, 1), h * rand(3, 1)];
or if you really wanted to use bsxfun:
y = bsxfun(@times, [u, v, h], rand(3, 3));
and as said, as of R2016b, the bsxfun can be replaced by implicit expansion:
y = [u, v, h] .* rand(3, 3);