MATLAB: Numerical integration with the GPU? Trapz appears to be unsupported in arrayfun, are there any alternatives

arrayfungpuMATLABnumerical integrationparallel computingParallel Computing Toolboxtrapz

I’ve recently discovered GPU computing in Matlab and it’s been helping me a lot with speeding up slow calculations, so I want to implement it wherever I can now. I have been sending things to the GPU by creating a function file of what I want to calculate and then calling it with arrayfun. But I can’t figure out how to send this slow formula to the GPU:
for minute=1:1440
for beta = 1:181
Whatever I have been trying so far it’s been telling me: “argument contains unsupported or unknown function 'trapz'”
Like the GPU doesn’t support trapz, but according to the documentation I’ve seen trapz should be possible on the GPU:
However, from what I can see trapz is not listed under supported functions for arrayfun which I suspect could be the problem. Is there a different way to do numerical integration with arrayfun? Or does anyone know how I could go about calculating this formula on the GPU with a different approach other than arrayfun?

Best Answer

In this case, I think you can simply use the vectorized version of trapz, and then apply arrayfun to expand IntegratedRadiation and q in the third dimension:
q = trapz(TotalTilted, 3);
Amp = arrayfun(@(a, b, c) a * b / c, TotalTilted, IntegratedRadiation, q);