MATLAB: Use pcode to regenerate


I'm just starting with matlab, and I feel a little lost. I tried to use NeuronIQ on matlab, but it says "Warning: The P-code file getrmip.p was generated prior to MATLAB version 7.5 (R2007b) and will not be supported in a future release. Use pcode to regenerate getrmip.p using MATLAB R2007b or later." I'm using Matlab R2010b. What shall I do?
Thanks in advance all the best Laurence

Best Answer

I gather that NeuronIQ is a package you downloaded? If so, then you could ask the authors to regenerate their pcode files. I would not expect that they will (as otherwise they probably already would have), but they might .
You can only regenerate pcode when you have the original .m file . If you do, then you would use
pcode getrmip
to regenerate it. If you do not have the source, all you can do is ask the people who do have the source. Or you could just live with the warning. Or you could turn off that particular warning.