MATLAB: Unresolved external errors(fmin, fmax,…) while generating s-function from Simulink model using RTW

#sfunction #rtw #embeddedcoder #unresolvedsymbolEmbedded Coder

I am trying to generate an s-function from a Simulink model using RTW Embedded Coder. I got the below error-
Writing library for Subsystem_sf.mexw32
subsystem.obj .text: undefined reference to '_fmaxf'
subsystem.obj .text: undefined reference to '_fminf'
subsystem.obj .text: undefined reference to '_fabsf'
subsystem.obj .text: undefined reference to '_sqrtf'
subsystem.obj .text: undefined reference to '_floorf'_
subsystem.obj .text: undefined reference to '_fmodf'| | _
Any suggestions?
P.S: I am using the LCC MATLAB compiler and also tried compiling with VS 2008 &2010.

Best Answer

Solution: Looks like it was to do with the configuration setting on the model.
Set Configuration Parameters>Real Time workshop>Interface>Target function library as C89/C90(ANSI).