MATLAB: What are the “Real-Time Model” objects for in simple code generated by embedded coder

Embedded Coderrtwsimulinksimulink coder

I have gotten a really simple model (just multiplication of 2 values) and have been able to autogenerate the Step function using the embedded coder. When I examine the code that is generated it is relatively good but there are a couple of “real-time model” variables that are never used in the functions that are defined. I was wondering what these are being generated for. I really only expected to get the .step function with the single multiply and don’t need this extra overhead or code in the generated source. The lines in question are in bold below.
* File: MultiplyVals.c
/* Real-time model */
*RT_MODEL_MultiplyVals MultiplyVals_M_;
RT_MODEL_MultiplyVals *const MultiplyVals_M = &MultiplyVals_M_;*
/* Model step function */
void untitled_custom(real_T *arg_In1, real_T *arg_In2, real_T *arg_Out1)
/* Outport: '<Root>/Out1' incorporates:
* Inport: '<Root>/In1'
* Inport: '<Root>/In2'
* Product: '<Root>/Product'
*arg_Out1 = *arg_In1 * *arg_In2;

Best Answer

extra code is generated according to the "Configuration Parameter"'s setting. For example, Go to the Interface pane and check if you have checkmarks for absolute, complex numbers,...